Page 149 - Catalogo Vivisport
P. 149
art. 1572 Mensola a parete fissa art. 1573 Mensola a parete regolabile art. 1571 Sbarra per danza in legno
Wall mounted steel support for in altezza ø 45 mm lunghezza superiore
ballet bar, fixed height Wall mounted steel support for a 4 metri
ballet bar, height adjustable Wooden ballet bar, diam. 45 mm
length over 4 mt
art. 1574 Supporto a terra regolabile art. 1576 Sbarra per danza in legno ø 45
in altezza mm. lunghezza 2 metri
Steel support for ballet bar, to the Wooden ballet bar, diam. 45 mm
floor, height adjustable length 2 mt.
art. 1700 Specchio antinfortunistico modulare liscio, 100xh170 cm
Tempered glass plain mirror, to be fixed to the wall, 100xh170 cm
art. 1595 Supporto a terra art. 1701 Specchio antinfortunistico
regolabile in altezza quadrettato, 100xh170 cm
con base maggiorata Tempered glass mirror with
ancorabile a terra print-on pattern,to be fixed to the
Floor support height wall, 100xh170 cm
adjustable, heavy base
made in galvanized steel art. 1702 Carrello per trasporto specchi
fixable in the floor modulari
Trolley for modular mirrors