Page 32 - Catalogo Vivisport
P. 32

calcio > soccer

                                                              art. 9418 Cono calpestabile alto 13 cm. in pvc morbido, senza fori
                                                                        Drilled cone, walkable 13 cm high. soft pvc, without holes

        art. 9429 Cono forato alt. cm 50 con 16 fori
                  Drilled cone, height 50 cm with 16 holes

                                                              art. 9424 Cono forato alt. cm 30 con 8 fori
                                                                        Drilled cone, height 30 cm with 8 holes

        art. 2052 Giubbetto zavorrato per allenamento pesi ricaricabili
                  10 Kg
                  Ballasted jacket for training reloaded weights 10 Kg

        art. 6442 Delimitatore multiuso alt. cm 15, 12 fori laterali  art. 6440 Kit 48 delimitatori alt. cm 5 con rimessaggi

                  Marker with 12 holes                                  Kit 48 markers 5 cm, with holder
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