Page 10 - Catalogo Vivisport
P. 10
calcio > soccer
art. 5905 Porte calcio in alluminio,
reggirete a gomito, gomiti
saldati, sez. 100x120 mm
al paio complete di bussole,
a norme UNI EN 748
Soccer aluminium goals, elbow
net support, welded corner
joints, section 100x120 mm
per pair complete with sockets,
in compliance with regulations
UNI EN 748
art. 6100 Coppia reti calcio polietilene
stab. U.V. ø 3 mm
Soccer nets in polyethylene
stab. U.V. ø 3 mm per pair
art. 5907 Porte calcio in alluminio,
reggirete a palo distanziato,
gomiti sez. 100x120 mm
al paio saldati, complete di
bussole, a norme UNI EN
Soccer aluminium goals, free
hanging net supports,
welded section 100x120 mm
per pair corner joints, complete
with sockets, in compliance with
regulations UNI EN 748
art. 6108 Coppia reti calcio in nylon
poliamide testurizzato, stab.
U.V. mod. “esagonale extra”
ø 6 mm
Soccer nets in texturized nylon
polyamide, stab. U.V. mod.
“hexagonal extra” ø 6 mm
art. 5910 Porte calcio ridotte 6x2 in
alluminio, con gomiti saldati,
fisse, sez. 100x120 mm al
Soccer goals 6x2 in aluminium,
welded corner joints, fixed,
section 100x120 mm per pair
complete with sockets
art. 6120 Coppia reti calcio ridotte
per porte 6x2 in treccia
polipropilene ø 3 mm
stab. U.V., lavorazione senza
Small soccer nets for goals 6x2
in polypropylene braid ø 3 mm
per pair stab. U.V., knotless