Page 8 - Catalogo Vivisport
P. 8
calcio > soccer
art. 5900 Porte calcio in alluminio mobili, gomiti saldati, autoportanti, a norme UNI EN 748
Freestanding soccer aluminium goals, welded corner joints, portable, in compliance with regulations UNI EN 748
art. 6108 Coppia reti calcio in nylon poliamide testurizzato, stab. U.V. mod. “esagonale extra” ø 6 mm
Soccer nets in texturized nylon polyamide, stab. U.V. mod. “hexagonal extra” ø 6 mm
art. 6036 Ruota gommata con staffa art. 6044 Contenitori per zavorra da art. 6041 Contenitori per zavorra da
per trasporto porte calcio applicare su porte da calcio applicare su porte da calcio
Transport rubber wheel with mobili NON a norma UNI o mobili a norma UNI
bracket sulle porte calcetto mobili. ns. art. 5900
Zavorra esclusa Storage for ballast to apply to
Storage for ballast to apply to NO item 5900
UNI freestanding soccer goals or
freestanding futsal goals