Page 101 - Catalogo Vivisport
P. 101

art. 4052 Tabellone in plexiglass con telaio 180x105 cm  art. 4055 Tabellone in acciaio mod. americano cm 135x90,

                Plexyglass backboard with frame 180x105 cm            trattato e verniciato
                                                                      Steel backboard mod. american cm 135x90, treated and
                                                                      painted outdoor use

       art. 4054 Tabellone in cristallo sp. mm 6+8 con telaio 180x105 cm art. 4056 Tabellone basket cm 112x73 con canestro e retina

                Glass backboard thickness mm 6+8 with frame 180x105 cm     Backboard cm 112x73 with basket and net

       art. 4050 Tabellone in legno bilaminato 180x105 cm    art. 4051 Tabellone in resina melaminica 180x105 cm

                Bilaminated wood backboard 180x105 cm                 Laminated fibreglass backboard 180x105 cm

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