Page 102 - Catalogo Vivisport
P. 102

pallacanestro > basket

        art. 4003 Canestro basket completo di rete mod. Import  art. 4004 Canestro in acciaio zincato a caldo per esterni,

                  Basketball basket complete with net mod. Import       con piastra di rinforzo, ultra resistente
                                                                        Outdoor hot galvanised steel basket with reinforcing plate,
                                                                        very strong

        art. 4005 Canestro regolamentare                      art. 4008 Canestro in acciaio verniciato, con piastra di rinforzo,

                  Regulation basket                                     ultra resistente
                                                                        Painted basket with reinforcing plate, very strong

        art. 4016 Canestro in acciaio verniciato, cerchio di tondo piento, con  art. 4007 Canestro regolamentare pesante

                  piastra di rinforzo, ultra resistente, a norma UNI EN 1270     Heavy regulation basket
                  Painted basket with reinforcing plate and circle made with
                  full iron, very strong in compliance with UNI EN 1270 norms

        art. 4010 Canestro reclinabile sganciabile regolamentare   art. 4015 Canestro reclinabile a norme F.I.B.A. sistema sgancio
                  a 3 molle                                             a molle ISO 10243
                  Flex goal regulation basket, unhooked, 3 springs      Flex goal basket, in compliance with F.I.B.A. regulations,
                                                                        springs releasing system ISO 10243

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